journal articles
Mayr, R., Montanari, S., Steffman, J. , & Baghomian, M. (2025). Community language exposure affects voice onset time patterns in Spanish-English bilingual children and functional English monolingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. [link]
Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. (2024). English Vowel Perception in Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: Multiple-Talker Input is only Beneficial for Children with High Language Exposure Levels. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 68(9). [link]
Steffman, J. & Cole, J. (2024). Metrical enhancement in American English nuclear tunes. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 9(1). [link]
Iskarous, K., Cole, J. & Steffman, J. (2024). A Minimal Dynamical Model of Intonation:
Tone contrast, alignment, and scaling of American English pitch accents as emergent properties. Journal of Phonetics 104, 101309.
Steffman, J., Cole, J. & Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. (2024). Intonational categories and continua in American English rising nuclear tunes. Journal of Phonetics, 104, 101310. [link]
Steffman, J. & Sundara M. (2024). Disentangling the role of biphone probability from neighborhood density in the perception of nonwords. Language and Speech, 67(1), 166-202. [link]
Faytak, M., & Steffman, J. (2024). Voiced aspirates with mixed voicing in Yemba, a Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 54(1) 189-226. [link]
Steffman, J. & Sundara, M. (2023). Short-term exposure alters adult listeners’ perception of segmental phonotactics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters, 3(12). [link]
Steffman, J. & Zhang, W. (2023). Vowel perception under prominence: Examining the roles of F0, duration and distributional information. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(4), 2594-2608. [link]
Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. (2023). Stop Voicing Perception in the Societal and Heritage Language of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: The Role of Age, Input Quantity and Input Diversity. Journal of Phonetics, 101, 101276. [link]
Steffman, J. (2023). Vowel-internal cues to vowel quality and prominence in speech perception. Phonetica, 80(5), 329-356. [link]
Cole, J., Steffman, J., Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. & Tilsen, S. (2023). Hierarchical distinctions in the production and perception of nuclear tunes in American English. Laboratory Phonology. [link]
Steffman, J. (2023). Vowel-initial glottalization as a prominence cue in speech perception and online processing. Laboratory Phonology, 14(1), 1-46. [link]
Cortés, F., Mantenuto, I. & Steffman, J. (2023). San Sebastián del Monte Mixtec. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53(3), 1182-1203. [link]
Steffman, J. & Cole, J. (2022). An automated method for detecting F0 measurement jumps based on sample-to-sample differences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters, 2, 115201. [link]
Steffman, J., Kim, S., Cho, T. & Jun, S.-A. (2022). Prosodic phrasing mediates listeners’ perception of temporal cues: Evidence from the Korean Accentual Phrase. Journal of Phonetics 95, 101156. [link]
Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. (2022). Asymmetrical roles of segment and pitch accent in Japanese spoken word recognition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters 2, 065201. [link]
Sundara, M., Zhou, Z.L., Breiss, C., Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. (2022). Infants' developing sensitivity to native language phonotactics: A meta-analysis. Cognition, 221, 104993. [link]
Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. (2021). Tonal cues to prosodic structure in rate-dependent speech perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(5), 3825-3837. [pdf] [link]
Steffman, J. (2021). Rhythmic and speech rate effects in the perception of durational cues. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 83(8), 3162-3182. [view only link] [publisher link]
Steffman, J. (2021). Contextual prominence in vowel perception: Testing listener sensitivity to sonority expansion and hyperarticulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters 1, 045203. [link]
Steffman, J. (2021). Prosodic prominence effects in the processing of spectral cues. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(5), 586-611. [link]
Steffman, J. & Katsuda, H. (2021). Intonational structure influences perception of contrastive vowel length: The case of phrase-final lengthening in Tokyo Japanese. Language and Speech, 64(4), 839-858. [link]
Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. (2019). Perceptual integration of pitch and duration: prosodic and psychoacoustic influences in speech perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 146(3), EL251–EL257. [link] [pdf]
Steffman, J. (2019). Phrase-final lengthening modulates listeners’ perception of vowel duration as a cue to coda stop voicing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(6), EL560–EL566. [link] [pdf]
Steffman, J. (2019). Intonational structure mediates speech rate normalization in the perception of segmental categories. Journal of Phonetics, 74, 114–129. [link]
Steffman, J. (2018). Nominal Inflection in the Safané dialect of Dafing: Ternary Quantity Contrasts and Morphologically Conditioned Phonology. Journal of West African Languages, 45(1), 89-124. [link]
conference proceedings
Weller, J., Faytak, M., Steffman, J., Mayer, C., Teixeira, G. & Tankou, R. (2024) Supralaryngeal articulation
across voicing and aspiration in Yemba vowels. In Pushing the boundaries: Selected papers from
the 51-52 Annual Conference on African Linguistics (Contemporary African Linguistics 10). Berlin:
Language Science Press. [link]
Kaland, C., Steffman, J., & Cole, J. (2024) K-means and hierarchical clustering of F0 contours. Proceedings of the 25th INTERSPEECH Conference. [link]
Cole, J., Steffman, J. & Awwad, A. (2024). Functional modeling of F0 variation across speakers and between phonological categories: Rising pitch accents in American English. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Steffman, J., Kim, S., Cho, T. & Jun, S.-A. (2024). Speech rate and prosodic phrasing interact in Korean listeners' perception of temporal cues. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Steffman, J. & Cole, J. (2024). Comparing the imitation of naturally-produced and synthesized F0 in American English nuclear tunes. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Iskarous, K., Cole. J. & Steffman, J. (2024). A stochastic dynamical system for pitch accents and its inversion. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Steffman, J. & Zhang, W. (2023). Vowel perception under prominence: Dual roles for F0 and duration. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. [link]
Cole, J. & Steffman, J. (2023). Enhancement of intonational contrasts in American English. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. [link]
Iskarous, K., Cole, J. & Steffman, J. (2023). American English pitch accent dynamics: A minimal model. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. [link]
Montanari, S., Steffman, J., Mayr, R., Flores, P. &, Feeney, C. (2023). Differential perception of vowel and stop contrasts in Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. [link]
Torres, C. & Steffman, J. (2023). Stop voicing in Drehu: Effects of place of articulation, speaker sex, and language attitudes. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. [link]
Chernyak, B. R., Simon, T. B., Segal, Y., Steffman, J., Chodroff, E., Cole, J., & Keshet, J. (2022). DeepFry: Identifying Vocal Fry Using Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 23rd INTERSPEECH Conference. [link]
Steffman, J., Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. & Cole, J. (2022). The rise and fall of American English pitch accents: Evidence from an imitation study of rising nuclear tunes. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Cole, J., Tilsen, S. & Steffman, J. (2022) Shape matters: Machine classification and listeners’ perceptual discrimination of American English intonational tunes. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. [link]
Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. (2021). Prominence-boundary interactions in speech perception: Evidence from Japanese vowel length. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. [link]
Cole, J. & Steffman, J. (2021). The primacy of the rising/non-rising dichotomy in American English intonational tunes Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. [link]
Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. (2021). Prosodic prominence in speech perception: The influence of focus prosody on the perception of durational and spectral cues. Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 406-416. [link]
Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. (2020). Intonational cues to prosodic boundary influence perception of contrastive vowel length in Tokyo Japanese. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 56-60. [link]
Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. (2019). Effects of prosodic structure versus durational context on the perception of segmental categories: The case of focus realization. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2019. [link]
Steffman, J. (2019). Testing the influence of distal rhythmic structure on listeners' perception of durational cues. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2019. [link]
Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. (2019). Listeners integrate pitch and durational cues to prosodic structure in word categorization. Proceedings of the 93rd annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America, 4(1). [link]
Steffman, J. (2018). Listeners are sensitive to prosody in segmental categorization. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 274-278. [link]
Steffman, J. (2018). Phrase final lengthening modulates categorization of vowel length as a cue to obstruent voicing in English. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 33. [link]
Steffman, J. (2017). Tonal cues to prosodic structure modulate voice onset time categorization. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 31. [link]
book reviews
Steffman, J. (2021). Review of: Gussenhoven, C. & Chen, A. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Phonology, 38(3), 527-533. [link]
edited volumes
Rolle, N., Steffman, J., & Sylak–Glassman, J. (Eds.). 2016. Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 6-7, 2010. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
conference talks
November, 2024. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. “English vowel perception in Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers: Multiple-talker input is only beneficial for children with high language exposure levels.” Presented at the 49th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, MA.
November, 2024. *Weller, J., Steffman, J., Cortés, F. & Mantenuto, I. “Voice Quality and Tone in San Sebastián del Monte Rearticulated and Modal Vowels." Presented at Sound Systems of Latin America 4. Seattle, WA.
September, 2024. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J., & Mayr, R. “English Vowel and Stop Voicing Perception in Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers.” Presented at the Early Language Learning & Multilingual Education Network Conference. Granada, Spain.
July, 2024. *Mayr, R., Montanari, S., Steffman, J., Umana, I. & Sanchez, L. “VOT production by bilingual and functional monolingual children in a bilingual community.” Presented at The 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Prague, Czechia.
July, 2024. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J., & Mayr, R. “English Vowel and Stop Voicing Perception in Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers.” Presented at The 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Prague, Czechia.
July, 2024. *Cole, J., Steffman, J. & Awwad, A. “Functional modeling of F0 variation across speakers and
between phonological categories: Rising pitch accents in American English.” Presented at the
12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Leiden, The Netherlands.
June, 2024. *Lapierre, M., De Falco, E., Tosolini, A. & Steffman, J. “Acoustic vowel space expansion in Panãra.” Presented at LabPhon 19. Seoul, South Korea.
March, 2024. *Lapierre, M., De Falco, E., Tosolini, A. & Steffman, J. “The Acoustics of Panãra Vowels.” Presented at the 5th Symposium on Amazonian Languages. Albuquerque, NM.
March, 2024. *Steffman, J., Kim, S., Cho, T. & Jun, S.-A. “Rate dependent speech perception interacts with prosodic phrasing in Korean.” Presented at the Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians. Cardiff, Wales.
March, 2024. *Montanari S., *Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. “Stop Voicing Perception in the Societal and Heritage Language of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: The Role of Age, Input Quantity and Quality.” Presented at the
Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians. Cardiff, Wales.
November, 2023. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. “Stop Voicing Perception in the Societal and Heritage Language of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: The Role of Age, Input Quantity and Quality.” Presented at the 48th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, MA.
October, 2023. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. “Stop Voicing Perception in the Societal and Heritage Language of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: The Role of Age, Input Quantity and Quality.” Presented at the International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (ICMME). Valletta, Malta.
August, 2023. *Steffman, J. & Zhang, W. “Vowel perception under prominence: Dual roles for F0 and duration.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Prague, Czechia.
August, 2023. *Cole, J. & Steffman, J. “Enhancement of intonational contrasts in American English.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Prague, Czechia.
June, 2023. *Montanari, S., Steffman, J. & Mayr, R. “Developing Speech Perception in Heritage Language Settings: The Case of Stop Consonant Voicing in Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers.” Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Sydney, Australia.
June, 2023. *Mayr, R., Montanari, S. & Steffman, J. “An Acoustic Study of Spanish-English Bilingual Speech Sound Production during the Preschool Years.” Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Sydney, Australia.
January, 2023. *Steffman, J. & Cole, J. “Metrical enhancement in the realization of nuclear tunes in American English.” Presented at the 97th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Denver, CO.
January, 2023. *Weller, J., Steffman, J., Cortés, F. & Mantenuto, I. “Interactions of tone, glottalization, and word shape in San Sebastián Del Monte Mixtec.” Presented at the 97th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Denver, CO.
October, 2022. *Weller, J., Steffman, J., Cortés, F. & Mantenuto, I. “Glottalization and tonal contrasts in San Sebastián del Monte Mixtec rearticulated vowels.” Presented at the 27th annual Mid-continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference. Saint Louis, MO.
October, 2022. *Cole, J., & Steffman, J. “Metrically conditioned enhancement among nuclear tunes in American English.” Presented at the 27th annual Mid-continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference. Saint Louis, MO.
June, 2022. Steffman, J. “Phonetic cues to prominence in segmental perception and online processing: The case of vowel-initial glottalization in American English.” Presented virtually at the 18th Conference on Laboratory Phonology.
June, 2022. Cole, J., Steffman, J., Cox, L. & Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. “Nuclear Tunes lost and found: Modeling intonational tunes in American English with labeled vs. unlabeled data.” Presented virtually at the 18th Conference on Laboratory Phonology.
May, 2022. Cole, J., Tilsen, S. Steffman, J. “Shape matters: Machine classification and listeners’ perceptual discrimination of American English intonational tunes.” Presented at the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Lisbon, Portugal.
December, 2021. *Cole, J. & Steffman, J. “The primacy of the rising/non-rising dichotomy in American English intonational tunes.” Presented virtually at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. Sondberg, Denmark.
December, 2021. *Katsuda, H. & *Steffman, J. “Prominence-boundary interactions in speech perception: evidence from Japanese vowel length.” Presented virtually at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. Sondberg, Denmark.
September, 2021. *Steffman, J. & Cole, J. “Intonational tunes in imitative speech: Are phonological contrasts maintained?” Presented at the 26th annual Mid-continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference. Chicago, IL.
April, 2021. *Weller, J., Faytak, M., Steffman, J., Texeira, G., Mayer, C. & Tankou, R. “Tongue root position and laryngeal state in Yemba vowels.” Presented virtually at the 52nd meeting of the Association of Contemporary African Linguistics. Gainesville, FL.
April, 2021. *Faytak, M.,Steffman, J. & Tankou, R. “Phonetics of voiced aspirates in Yemba (Dschang).” Presented virtually at the 52nd meeting of the Association of Contemporary African Linguistics. Gainesville, FL.
January, 2021. Steffman, J. “Prominence effects in vowel perception: Testing sonority expansion and hyperarticulation.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
January, 2021. *Steffman, J., Kim, S., Cho, T. & Jun, S.-A. “Prosodic phrasing is integrated in segmental speech perception: Evidence from the Korean Accentual Phrase.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
January, 2021. *Katsuda, H. & *Steffman, J. “The role of segment and pitch accent in Japanese spoken word recognition.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
January, 2021. *Faytak, M. & Steffman, J. “Mixed voice in Yemba voiced aspirates.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
May, 2020. *Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. “Intonational cues to prosodic boundary influence perception of contrastive vowel length in Tokyo Japanese.” Presented virtually at the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Tokyo, Japan.
March, 2020. *Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. “Prosodic prominence in speech perception: the influence of focus structure on the perception of durational and spectral cues.” Presented at the 38th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Vancouver, BC.
January, 2020. *Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. “Prosodic cues facilitate speech rate normalization: exploring listener sensitivity to prosody in speech perception.” Presented at the 94th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. New Orleans, LA.
August, 2019. *Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. “Effects of prosodic structure versus durational context on the perception of segmental categories: The case of focus realization.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019. Melbourne, Australia.
May, 2019. Steffman, J. "Distal rhythmic structure and speech rate in perception: exploring prosodic and rate-dependent influences.” Presented at the Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HISPhonCog 2019). Seoul, South Korea.
January, 2019. *Steffman, J. & Jun, S.-A. “Listeners integrate pitch and durational cues to prosodic structure in word categorization.” Presented at the 93rd annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. New York, NY.
October, 2018. Steffman, J. “Intonational categories and implicit speech rate normalization: evidence for awareness of prosody in rate dependent speech perception.” Presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 4. Amherst, MA.
June, 2018. Steffman, J. “Listeners are sensitive to prosody in segmental categorization.” Presented at Speech Prosody 2018. Poznań, Poland.
May, 2018. Steffman, J. “Intonational structure mediates speech rate normalization in the perception of speech segments.” Presented at the Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HisPhonCog2018). Seoul, South Korea.
February, 2018. Steffman, J. “Linguistically informed rate normalization: Intonational influences on segmental categorization.” Presented at the 44th Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley, CA.
conference posters
September, 2024. *Kaland, C., Steffman, J. & Cole, J. “K-means and hierarchical clustering of F0 contours.” Presented at the 25th INTERSPEECH Conference. Kos, Greece.
July, 2024. *Steffman, J., Kim, S., Cho, T. & Jun, S.-A. “Speech rate and prosodic phrasing interact in Korean listeners perception of temporal cues.” Presented at the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Leiden, The Netherlands.
July, 2024. *Steffman, J. & *Cole, J. “Comparing the imitation of naturally-produced and synthesized F0 in American English nuclear tunes.” Presented at the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Leiden, The Netherlands.
July, 2024. *Iskarous, K., Cole. J. & Steffman, J. “A stochastic dynamical system for pitch accents and its inversion.” Presented at the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Leiden, The Netherlands.
August, 2023. *Iskarous, K., *Cole, J. & *Steffman, J. “American English pitch accent dynamics: A minimal model.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019. Prague, Czechia.
August, 2023. *Montanari, S., *Steffman, J., *Mayr, R., Flores, P. &, Feeney, C. “Differential perception of vowel and stop contrasts in Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Prague, Czechia.
August, 2023. *Torres, C. & *Steffman, J. “Stop voicing in Drehu: Effects of place of articulation, speaker sex, and language attitudes.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Prague, Czechia.
May, 2023. *Weller, J., Steffman, J., Cortés, F. & Mantenuto, I. “Duration and Lexical Tone in San Sebastián del Monte Mixtec.” Presented at the 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Chicago, IL.
September, 2022. *Chernyak, B. R., Simon, T. B., Segal, Y., Steffman, J., Chodroff, E., Cole, J., & Keshet, J. “DeepFry: Identifying Vocal Fry Using Deep Neural Networks.” Presented at the 23rd INTERSPEECH Conference. Incheon, South Korea.
May, 2022. *Steffman, J., Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. & *Cole, J. “The rise and fall of American English pitch accents: Evidence from an imitation study of rising nuclear tunes.” Presented at the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Lisbon, Portugal.
January, 2022. *Weller, J., Steffman, J., Cortés, F. & Mantenuto, I. “Glottalization and tonal contrasts in San Sebastián del Monte Mixtec rearticulated vowels.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Washington, DC.
January, 2021. *Weller, J. & Steffman, J. “Effects of aspiration and voicing on vowel acoustics in Yemba.” Presented virtually at the 95th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
July, 2020. Steffman, J. “Prominence effects on the processing of spectral cues: testing sonority expansion in perception.” Presented virtually at LabPhon 17. Vancouver, BC.
July, 2020. *Faytak, M., Steffman, J. & Tankou, R. “True voiced aspirates in Yemba.” Presented virtually at LabPhon 17. Vancouver, BC.
March, 2020. Steffman, J. “Prominence effects on pre-lexical processing: time-course evidence from vowel perception.” Presented virtually at the 33rd annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst, MA.
December, 2019. *Katsuda, H. & Steffman, J. “Exploring the influence of intonational structure on perception of contrastive vowel length in Tokyo Japanese.” Presented at the 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA. [abstract]
December, 2019. *Steffman, J. & Sundara M. “Biphone probability and neighborhood density effects on phonetic categorization.” Presented at the 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA. [abstract]
December, 2019. Steffman, J. “Influences of preceding speech rate and prosodic position on listeners’ perception of durational cues.” Presented at the 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Diego, CA. [abstract]
August, 2019. Steffman, J. “Testing the influence of distal rhythmic structure on listeners' perception of durational cues.” Presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019. Melbourne, Australia.
March, 2019. Steffman, J. “Distal rhythmic patterns influence listeners’ processing of phonetic cues.” Presented at the 32nd annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Boulder, CO.
June, 2018. Steffman, J. “Contextual effects of duration and F0 on segmental categorization: Intonation matters.” Presented at LabPhon 16. Lisbon, Portugal.
May, 2018. Steffman, J. “Listeners compensate for prosodic position when categorizing word-final obstruents.” Presented at the 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.
December, 2017. Steffman, J. “F0 as a cue to prosodic structure in voice onset time categorization.” Presented at the 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA. [abstract]
invited talks
March, 2024. Steffman, J. “Rate dependent speech perception interacts with prosodic phrasing in Korean.” Presented at the Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Science HisPhonCog 2024.
Feburary, 2024. Steffman, J. “Processing prosody in speech perception: Tests in the spectral and temporal domain.” Presented at the University of Edinburgh Linguistics Circle.
January, 2024. Steffman, J. “Processing prosody in segmental speech perception: Tests in the spectral and temporal domain.” Presented at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Centre for Language, Cognition and Neuroscience talk series.
November, 2023. Steffman, J. “K-means clustering for time-series data: An illustration with intonational tunes.” Presented at Cluster analysis on f0 contours: advantages, pitfalls, challenges, hosted by LingLabs, University of Konstanz.
October, 2023. Steffman, J. “Intonational tunes and enhancement in an imitative speech production paradigm.” Presented at the University of Glasgow Phonetics Lab Lunch.
June, 2023. Steffman, J. “Exploring enhancement as a lens into intonational categories.” Presented at the Cambridge University Phonetics and Phonology Seminar.
May, 2023. Steffman, J. “Biphone probabilities are rapidly updated in speech perception.” Presented at the P-Workshop at The University of Edinburgh.
May, 2022. *Cole, J. & Steffman, J. “Intonational encoding in memory representations: Imitating nuclear tunes in American English.” Presented at the GRadience in INtonation (GRIN) workshop, Speech Prosody 2022.
May, 2022. Steffman, J. “Prosodic prominence in speech perception.” Research talk presented virtually at The University of Edinburgh.
February, 2022. Steffman, J. “Integrating prosodic prominence in speech perception: Studies in the perception of segmental contrasts.” Presented virtually at the Harvard University colloquium series.
January, 2022. *Cole, J. & *Steffman, J. “Modeling intonational tunes in American English with labeled vs. unlabeled data.” Presented virtually at the Northwestern University Phonatics talk series.
April, 2021. Steffman, J. “Integrating prosodic context in speech perception.” Presented virtually at the Northwestern University Phonatics talk series.
March, 2021. Steffman, J. “Integrating prosodic context in speech perception.” Presented virtually at the Rutgers Prosody Lab.
February, 2021. Steffman, J. “Prosodic context in speech perception.” Presented virtually at the UCLA Linguistics colloquium series.
May, 2019. Steffman, J. “Exploring rhythmic effects in speech perception.” Presented at the UC Santa Barbara Phonetics Seminar. Santa Barbara, CA.
February, 2019. Steffman, J. “Prosody mediates listeners' perception of durational cues.” Presented at the UC Berkeley phonetics and phonology Forum. Berkeley, CA.
March, 2016. Steffman, J. “Prosodic transfer: A phonetic study of L2 English prosody produced by L1 French speakers.” Presented at the UC Berkeley phonetics and phonology Forum. Berkeley, CA.
Ph.D. Prosodic prominence in vowel perception and spoken language processing. Completed Fall 2020 at UCLA. Committee: Sun-Ah Jun (chair), Pat Keating, Megha Sundara and Taehong Cho. [pdf]
M.A. Intonation mediates speech rate normalization in the perception of segmental categories. Completed Spring 2018 at UCLA. Committee: Sun-Ah Jun (chair), Pat Keating and Megha Sundara.
B.A. Prosodic transfer: a phonetic study of L2 English prosody produced by L1 French speakers. Completed Fall 2015 at UC Berkeley. Advised by Susan Lin.